7 Sample Letter to your Friend about Your Hobby

English Informal Letters: Letter to your Friend about Your Hobby

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Private and Social Letters: Hello Students, If you are searching that “How to write a Letter to your Friend  about your hobby” Than you are at right place. in this blog we covered seven samples of letter to your friend about your hobbies like singing, gardening, football, dancing, or cricket.

Letters to your friend describing your favourite hobbies like singing, gardening, football, dancing, or cricket. These letters are Important for academic exams, competitions, and enhancing communication skills. Let’s read our letter guides and be exam-ready while sharing your passions with friends.

Letter to Your Friend Explaining Your Hobbies

write a letter to your friend describing your favourite hobby singing

C1/47, Rajendra Park
Kirti Nagar,
Delhi – 110015
June 10, 2023

Dearest Raghav,

I am sure you are doing well and enjoying every moment with your usual enthusiasm for life. A few days ago, I was looking through our old photos and remembering our school choir days, which led me to think about how I’ve been spending my time lately.

Of all the activities in which I spend my time, singing has emerged as my favorite hobby. Do you remember our school music room and the hours we used to spend singing old tunes? This is where my passion for singing began. Over the years, the simple joy of singing has turned into a deep love. Be it a Bollywood classic or a soulful ghazal, whatever tune I hum or song I sing makes me feel alive.

Recently, I joined a local music group where we gather every weekend to practice and perform. We focus primarily on Indian classical music, and I delve deeper into its complexities. The nuances of each raga, the rhythm of the taal and the emotion behind each composition is mesmerizing. Each session feels like a journey, taking me to a world where notes and melodies weave stories. I wish you could attend one of our performances.

Additionally, I have started taking formal lessons to hone my skills. My music teacher, a master of Hindustani classical music, is guiding me carefully. It is challenging, but each practice session under his tutelage feels rewarding.

I look forward to our next meeting, where I can enthrall you with some of the new songs I have learned. And maybe, just maybe, we can recreate our old duets that once echoed in the school corridors.

Be well, dear friend. Looking forward to our musical reunion.

Warm regards,


Write a letter to your friend describing your favourite hobby gardening – Sample 2

4/10 Rose Apartments, Gandhi Street, Bangalore – 560020, June 15, 2023.

Dear Amit,

I hope you’re keeping well. I felt an urge to share my newfound passion with you – gardening. Remember the little balcony in my apartment overlooking the park? It’s now a mini-green paradise.

At dawn, I find myself amidst the aromatic basil, vibrant marigolds, and the tiny tomato plants just beginning to bear fruit. The process of planting a seed, watching it germinate, and eventually bloom feels magical. Each plant has its story, its requirements, and in caring for them, I’ve found a purpose and a routine.

I’ve also started composting kitchen waste. It’s astonishing to see how leftovers transform into rich, nourishing soil. I feel more connected to nature, and in a way, it’s therapeutic.

When you come over next month, I’ll give you a basil plant. It’s easy to care for and is a good starting point if you ever consider giving gardening a shot.

Do visit soon and spend an evening in my green nook. We’ll have tea surrounded by my plants, and perhaps their serenity will rub off on you too.

Take care and write back soon.



Write a letter to your friend describing your favourite hobby football Sample 3

23, Silver Street, Mumbai – 400018, June 20, 2023.

Dear Raj,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. I’ve recently taken up a hobby which I never imagined would resonate with me so deeply – playing football.

Ever since joining the local club in our community, every evening after work, I find myself eagerly lacing up my boots and heading to the field. There’s an indescribable thrill in dribbling past defenders, taking a shot at the goal, or even just passing the ball amongst teammates. It’s not just the game, Raj; it’s the camaraderie, the team spirit, and the sheer joy of physical exercise.

Beyond the game, I’ve started following football leagues around the world. The strategies, the clubs, the players, and their journeys have been inspiring to learn about. But more than anything, playing has instilled discipline, teamwork, and resilience in me.

Remember our picnics during school days when we used to kick around a ball just for fun? Little did I know that it would turn into such a passion. I sincerely hope the next time you visit, you’ll come to one of our local matches. It would be exhilarating to have you cheer from the sidelines.

Write back soon and let me know how you’re doing and about any new hobbies or adventures in your life.

Warm regards,


Write a letter to your friend describing your favourite hobby dancing

12, Lotus Lane, Kolkata – 700029, June 21, 2023.

Dear Priya,

I hope you’re well. I wanted to share something exciting with you. I’ve recently immersed myself in the world of dancing!

Every evening, after my usual chores, I put on some music and let my body move to the rhythm. It’s not just about the steps or the beats, Priya. It’s the freedom and expression that dancing offers that has truly captivated me.

I’ve joined a local dance class, and we explore different dance forms. From contemporary to traditional, each style tells its own story. I’ve also made friends who share the same passion, and we often practice together.

Remember our school’s annual day when we danced together? Those memories pushed me to explore this hobby further. I hope when you visit next, we can attend a dance workshop together. I’d love to see you dance and maybe even learn a step or two from you.

Do write back and share what’s new with you. I eagerly await your letter.



Write a letter to your friend describing your favourite hobby cricket

22, Bluebird Street, Mumbai – 400018, June 22, 2023.

Dear Arjun,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I wanted to share something that’s been keeping me energized lately – my newfound passion for cricket!

Every weekend, I head to the local ground with a few friends to play cricket. The sound of the ball hitting the bat, the thrill of chasing a target, and the camaraderie among teammates – it’s all so exhilarating! I just purchased my own cricket kit.

I’ve been practicing my batting, and I’ve also tried my hand at bowling too. The more I play, the more I appreciate the nuances of the cricket. And guess what? Our team has a match scheduled next month, and I’m eagerly looking forward to it.

Do you Remember the times we played gully cricket? It brings back those memories. Next time whenever you’re in town, bring your cricket gear. Let’s relive those old days on a bigger ground.

Write back soon and tell me about your adventures. Can’t wait to catch up!

Warm regards,


1. Date and Address: Start the letter by writing the date at the top left or right corner of the page. Below the date, write your address.

2. Salutation: Begin with a greeting. Use “Dear [Friend’s Name],”

3. Introduction: Start with a sentence or two about why you’re writing the letter. For instance: “I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to tell you about my favorite hobby that I’ve become incredibly passionate about.”

4. Main Content of Letter:

Express your enthusiasm: Begin by expressing your excitement for cricket. “I’ve recently found myself captivated by the world of cricket.”

Share experiences: Discuss how you got introduced to it. Maybe you watched a significant match, or a family member introduced you to it. “Remember last summer when we saw that local cricket match? That was my turning point!”

Discuss the aspects you love: Talk about what you love most about cricket. It could be the teamwork, the thrill of hitting a six, or the strategy behind every ball bowled. “There’s something exhilarating about strategizing each ball or the cheer that erupts when I hit a boundary.”

Your participation: If you play cricket, discuss your role in the team. “I’ve joined a local team and have been enjoying the role of a batsman.”

Important matches or moments: Share memorable matches or moments you’ve experienced. “The last inter-college match was such a nail-biter, and making the winning run was unforgettable.”

5. Conclude the Main Content: Sum up your love for cricket, and maybe even extend an invitation. “I hope one day we can play a friendly match together, or you can come and watch one of my games!”

6. Closing Remarks: Write a sentence or two wrapping up the letter. You might wish your friend well or express the hope to hear from them soon. “Hope to catch up soon and maybe even have a game of cricket together!”

7. Sign Off: Use words like “Love,” “Yours sincerely,” or “Best wishes,” followed by your name.

8. Postscript (optional): If you’ve forgotten to include something in the letter, you can add a PS at the end. “P.S. Do you remember the cricket set we used as kids? I still have it!”

Once you’ve written the letter, it’s always a good practice to read it out loud or proofread it to ensure there are no mistakes. The letter reflects your personal experience and feelings about cricket, so it should sound genuine and from the heart.

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