Write an Application to the Postmaster Complaining Against the Area Postman

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Application for Postman’s Complaint to Postmaster Formal Applications and Letters

Today in this post we have a Formal Letter Application Letter for Postmaster complaints for Class 8,9, Class 10, Class 12, CBSE, ICSE, and State Board Classes Useful for students of We have given below some sample letters for postmaster and postman complaints.

Write a letter to the postmaster complaining against the irregular delivery of the letter #1

Postmaster Sir,

Head Post Office,


Subject:- Complaint letter against the negligence of postman.


It is humbly requested that the postman Kamal Kumar appointed by you in our area is very careless and lazy.

Sometimes he leaves letters in the hands of children and the children tear the letter or throw it away. Just yesterday Shyam Singh’s letter was found lying in the drain.

So you are requested to explain it further or appoint another postman so that we don’t have to suffer any more loss.

Thank you


Mahendra Pal

Write a letter to the Postmaster complaining against the Postman of your locality #2

Postmaster Sir,

Head Post Office, Subhash Nagar,



I want to draw your attention to the negligence of the postman in your area. His name is Satwant Singh. Satwant Singh does not deliver letters on time. He comes only once a day. He does not deliver letters properly. Instead of using the letter box outside the house, he drops the letter through the gap between the doors. Sometimes that letter is caught in the hands of children playing in the street. Sometimes children even tear the letters.

So I want you to explain to this postman what he is doing right. He should be warned so that he does not make this mistake in future.

with thanks

Talwinder Singh,

Write an application letter to the postmaster for the postman’s complaint #3

Green Park Post Office,

Respected Sir,

I apologize for complaining about the new postman in our area. He misplaces letters, parcels etc. here and there. The postman is very careless. He is not punctual. I have spoken to him personally about this matter but there is no difference. Many times I have received letters from my neighbors. Please take action against him.

your own,
Manoj Sharma

Soon we will Cover the Following Letters.

  • write an application to the postmaster complaining against the area postman.
  • write a letter to the postmaster complaining against the postman of your locality area
  • write a letter to the postmaster complaining against the postman in English
  • Dakiye Ki shikayat Ke Liye Post Master Ko Bine Patra in English
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