CBSE results 2021: 10th Result 2021 { Date & Time } CBSE students’ Results will be available in Digilocker

CBSE Results 2021: CBSE students’ results will be available in Digilocker, this is how to create a DigiLocker account | CBSE Results 2021 Step-by-Step Guide


CBSE RESULTS 2021: CBSE 10th, 12th Result 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is expected to declare class 10, 12 board exam 2021 result 2021 soon.  Speaking to ANI, CBSE Exam Controller Sanyam Bhardwaj had informed that the CBSE 10th result 2021 will likely be declared by July 20 and the 12th result 2021 will be released by the month-end. Once released, students can check their scores on the official website of the board –, and However, as witnessed in previous years, the official website may crash due to heavy traffic on the result day as lakhs of students will be checking the results simultaneously.

The 10th board result will be released on July 20, but there is a possibility that there may be a delay in releasing the result. In such a situation, students are advised to keep an eye on the official website

10th exam canceled this year

Every year the board releases the result online only. Students are able to access their mark sheets after the release of the result using the roll number and other details mentioned on the admit card. These admit cards are issued by CBSE, but this year CBSE canceled the 10th exam due to the corona pandemic. Due to which the admit card could not be issued. Here, the situation is also of class 12 students.
In such a situation, before the release of the result, the question is arising in everyone’s mind that how the students will be able to see the roll number online? Let us know after the release of the result, how will you be able to see the result without the roll number –

Contact school for roll number

Schools have roll numbers of students who have registered for CBSE board exams. Before the internal assessment, the board sends the roll numbers of the students to the schools. In such a situation, students can get information about the 10th roll number from their respective schools.

Check this way without roll number

This time the board will share the mark sheet on Digilocker along with releasing the result online. To access documents through Digilocker, instead of roll number, you can check your result online by using your Aadhar card number and that mobile number. Apart from this, the board had also introduced the facial recognition system last year. In such a situation, even if the student does not have an Aadhar card, he will be able to use DigiLocker. Read Step by Step detail Below. 2021 10th Result Date & Time

#Students, #CBSEResults for Class X will soon be available in #DigiLocker. Sign up today to access your important documents such as #Marksheet, #Passing Certificate, #migration  Certificates, #Skill #Certificates etc.

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Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has complete the evaluation process for the academic session 2020-21. This year CBSE Board has canceled Class 10th & 12th Exams due to the COVID-19 pandemic second wave. students will be promoted to the next class without an exam. Board will prepare results based on Pre-Board exams marks, Mid-term Marks, Half Yearly exam marks, Internal Assessment marks, and Unit Test marks. CBSE Board will be announcing the 10th result by 22 July 2021 expected. Students can check the Class 10 Result from the official website using admit card details.


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उत्तर प्रदेश के सभी प्राइवेट स्कूल आरटीआई के दायरे में आएंगे उत्तर प्रदेश के सभी निजी स्कूल अब सूचना के … READ MORE